Monday, April 2, 2007

Tommorow Licence for a better tommorow

The Ras Al Khaimah Department of Economic Development issued yesterday ten new commercial licences locally known as a 'tomorrow licence' that are open only to Emiratis.
The licence allows local nationals to run all types of businesses without the need to rent shops or offices. The holders of the new type of licence will be able to start and run a business from home.

I couldnt stop laughing at the name given to this license "Tommorow license"!! a.ka. "Lasen bacher". Couldn't help but imagine this in my head:

"7assoon: agool 7amood, bkamm hazzi??
7amood: ta3al bachir ya rayyal
7asooon: y'akhi bkamm hayy?
7amoood: ya rayyal , msawyeen tournament winning a7een, ta3al bachir
7asooon: izzen laish fat7ina?
7amoood: ma tshoof il lasen? ism il lasen, lasen Bacher! .. ya3ni ma 2igdar abee3 shayy ilyowm!!.., ta3al it7adani fel winning 11!"

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