Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Shock of the Year

UAE blocks 40% of Internet

United Arab Emirates: 7 hours, 25 minutes ago

Around 40% of the Internet is blocked in the UAE, among the highest in the world, according to Arab Media Group head Abdullatif Al Sayegh. He told delegates at a conference titled Emirates Media Freedom that the solution to what children see should be through education at home, not by monitoring published material, Emirates Today reports.

I'm surprised its only 40! ..In my mind the internet is basically comprised of the following areas:

1% Politics
1% Google
1% Social Websites with no offensive material
1% Social Websites with offensive material
1% WikiPedia
5% YouTube

Truly a shocker... expected something a little >90%.


Maya said...

Freedom of press... utopia in the UAE

Will Nasr said...

quite right... live the perfect life in the tallest building, overlooking the longest bridge, situated over the deepest man made lake, protected from the evil of internet surfing freedom :P