Thursday, April 12, 2007

Nag Nag Nag ... Dubai Expats (im one of them)

Well.. Every time someone spends a few million dollars on some investment the crowds go wild! What I don't understand is why they go wild?

"$45m on a golf city, what a waste! Save the Dolphins instead!"

"$70m on buying horses for himself, what kind of a person can do that when he knows there are people earning 50 fils an hour and others starving to death in the other end of the earth!"

Stop nagging you nagging naggers. I am willing to bet that you of all people "The Naggers" are going to be one of the first few to try out the Tiger Wood's golf course. Also, I was wondering how many of the naggers actually give to charity.

Contrary to what many people believe, Rich people give the most. So instead of blasting them with hate remarks when they spend some money on something they like. How about some praise when they give more than most of you can ever earn in your entire lifetime.

$70m is quite likely less than 0.1% of his entire wealth. To him, buying 2 horses worth $70m is kinda like buying an LCD screen (which amounts to more than 0.1% of the wealth of an average UAE citizen).. so now tell me, do you think of all the charities, the labour workers, and the humanitarian causes you can contribute to before buying that third TV that you don't need?

I am not a fan of Dubai.. so don't treat me like I'm defending the emirate or the UAE.. I'm just a fan of great business people..If you don't know about business, then please stick to your end of the field.

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