Friday, April 13, 2007

Hunger Dilemma

Some situations always get me thinking. This time it was about a humanitarian cause, which is quite uncommon for a person like me. I was flipping through what is probably one of the worst newspapers that I read on a daily basis (7days) and I came across a picture of a thin, hungry, underpriveliged child. That child was really starving, his head and body were abnormally shaped, truly unfortunate. However it got me thinking?

HOW DHELL DID HE GET HERE? by here i mean, to this world?

With the amount of hungry children that ive seen in newspapers and articles, and charitable organizations, Its quite strange to think that that child's parents are dirt poor and starving, and yet, they still have the energy to have sex. Agreed that they could have sex for fun even though they are starving, but they really can work on controlling the ejaculation. Otherwise, it makes me wonder whether food is really the right resource we should be sending to tackle the hunger problem.. or whether a huge shipment of durex condoms would be a much more effective long term solution to the hunger problems of the world.

1 comment:

i*maginate said...

Education, education...