Monday, April 16, 2007

Hunger Dilemma Part 2

Well.. Just to add strength to my argument on my previous post "Hunger Dilemma", I was walking down Shk. Zayed Road today, when i got stopped by a random lady holding a baby in her hands. Ofcoarse I knew she didn't want directions. She started saplurting the usual arabic phrases that are mostly used for begging:

"I have no money to feed my child, god prolong your life" (Now why would you say that?? I'm really not that keen on living that long).

"Please be generous, god protect you"

I reached out and gave her some money and went on my way...but the real question that I couldn't answer was:

Did she realize that she was poor before or after bringing new life into this world??..New life that has a very bleak chance for a better future.

One word, actually, maybe three : Complete Utter Selfishness.


i*maginate said...

It prob wasn't her child. Besides, somebody who begs obviously can't 'think' enough to get themselves out of that poverty. Might be an extreme view, but definitely doesn't apply for all...

Will Nasr said...

I don't mind the begging, there will always be less fortunate people, and it's our duty to help whenever we can. But my point is, if you're begging for a living then don't have kids! Unless they think that the children make a better sales pitch and may help with the begging when they're old enough to walk and talk. If that were the case, it would be an all time low.