Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Shock of the Year

UAE blocks 40% of Internet

United Arab Emirates: 7 hours, 25 minutes ago

Around 40% of the Internet is blocked in the UAE, among the highest in the world, according to Arab Media Group head Abdullatif Al Sayegh. He told delegates at a conference titled Emirates Media Freedom that the solution to what children see should be through education at home, not by monitoring published material, Emirates Today reports.

I'm surprised its only 40! ..In my mind the internet is basically comprised of the following areas:

1% Politics
1% Google
1% Social Websites with no offensive material
1% Social Websites with offensive material
1% WikiPedia
5% YouTube

Truly a shocker... expected something a little >90%.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Hunger Dilemma Part 2

Well.. Just to add strength to my argument on my previous post "Hunger Dilemma", I was walking down Shk. Zayed Road today, when i got stopped by a random lady holding a baby in her hands. Ofcoarse I knew she didn't want directions. She started saplurting the usual arabic phrases that are mostly used for begging:

"I have no money to feed my child, god prolong your life" (Now why would you say that?? I'm really not that keen on living that long).

"Please be generous, god protect you"

I reached out and gave her some money and went on my way...but the real question that I couldn't answer was:

Did she realize that she was poor before or after bringing new life into this world??..New life that has a very bleak chance for a better future.

One word, actually, maybe three : Complete Utter Selfishness.

News of No Use

DUBAI: A man touched a woman’s breasts and pinched her bottom as the pair stood alone in an elevator, a Dubai court heard yesterday. On March 1, 18-year-old JS went to a building in Naif to see a friend. As she waited in the elevator at the building, JS was surprised when ES, 28, pushed in beside her as the doors closed. He then proceeded to ask her where the watchman was, before allegedly touching her breasts. JS said she then pulled her bag up to her chest to prevent it happening again, but as she went to leave she claims ES then touched her bottom. ES denies sexually molesting the woman. The case continues.

Yes.. but please dont tell us what happens, keep us on our toes for a bit

Friday, April 13, 2007

Hunger Dilemma

Some situations always get me thinking. This time it was about a humanitarian cause, which is quite uncommon for a person like me. I was flipping through what is probably one of the worst newspapers that I read on a daily basis (7days) and I came across a picture of a thin, hungry, underpriveliged child. That child was really starving, his head and body were abnormally shaped, truly unfortunate. However it got me thinking?

HOW DHELL DID HE GET HERE? by here i mean, to this world?

With the amount of hungry children that ive seen in newspapers and articles, and charitable organizations, Its quite strange to think that that child's parents are dirt poor and starving, and yet, they still have the energy to have sex. Agreed that they could have sex for fun even though they are starving, but they really can work on controlling the ejaculation. Otherwise, it makes me wonder whether food is really the right resource we should be sending to tackle the hunger problem.. or whether a huge shipment of durex condoms would be a much more effective long term solution to the hunger problems of the world.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Nag Nag Nag ... Dubai Expats (im one of them)

Well.. Every time someone spends a few million dollars on some investment the crowds go wild! What I don't understand is why they go wild?

"$45m on a golf city, what a waste! Save the Dolphins instead!"

"$70m on buying horses for himself, what kind of a person can do that when he knows there are people earning 50 fils an hour and others starving to death in the other end of the earth!"

Stop nagging you nagging naggers. I am willing to bet that you of all people "The Naggers" are going to be one of the first few to try out the Tiger Wood's golf course. Also, I was wondering how many of the naggers actually give to charity.

Contrary to what many people believe, Rich people give the most. So instead of blasting them with hate remarks when they spend some money on something they like. How about some praise when they give more than most of you can ever earn in your entire lifetime.

$70m is quite likely less than 0.1% of his entire wealth. To him, buying 2 horses worth $70m is kinda like buying an LCD screen (which amounts to more than 0.1% of the wealth of an average UAE citizen).. so now tell me, do you think of all the charities, the labour workers, and the humanitarian causes you can contribute to before buying that third TV that you don't need?

I am not a fan of Dubai.. so don't treat me like I'm defending the emirate or the UAE.. I'm just a fan of great business people..If you don't know about business, then please stick to your end of the field.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Al Failaka Islamic Fund awards rival the Nobel Prize awards.

DFSA receives award for innovations in Islamic finance
The Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) is pleased to announce that it has received the Failaka Islamic Fund award for 'Best Contribution of Growth and Development.'

The award was presented to the DFSA by Failaka International at the 2nd Annual Failaka Islamic Funds awards dinner in Dubai, which took place on 2nd April 2007.

This prestigious award recognises the DFSA's contributions to transparency and innovation in Islamic finance.

Failaka International specialises in market research and publication of data for Islamic funds, based the award on DFSA's substantial contributions in enacting a high quality collective investment funds regime during 2006, which selectively incorporates international best practice. The innovative DFSA regime brings a higher degree of transparency to the field of Islamic funds.

Mr. David Knott, Chief Executive of the DFSA, said:

'We are pleased to be recognised for innovations that facilitate the growth of Islamic finance. We will continue to take a leadership role in promoting effective risk-based supervision of the evolving market for Islamic finance, as well as financial services activities more generally. I congratulate our DFSA team members who helped to construct our high quality funds regime.'

After only 1 year of experience and barely any reputation or basis in deriving the winners. The media decided it was right to call a completely meaningless and worthless award " Prestigious".

The Nobel Prize of Economics people better get in touch with those Failaka guys pretty quick, Considering the pace at which it's prestige is moving, it wont be long till they overtake the world's most prestigious economic's award.
Way to go Dubai... one more majorly over-rated achievement.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Tommorow Licence for a better tommorow

The Ras Al Khaimah Department of Economic Development issued yesterday ten new commercial licences locally known as a 'tomorrow licence' that are open only to Emiratis.
The licence allows local nationals to run all types of businesses without the need to rent shops or offices. The holders of the new type of licence will be able to start and run a business from home.

I couldnt stop laughing at the name given to this license "Tommorow license"!! a.ka. "Lasen bacher". Couldn't help but imagine this in my head:

"7assoon: agool 7amood, bkamm hazzi??
7amood: ta3al bachir ya rayyal
7asooon: y'akhi bkamm hayy?
7amoood: ya rayyal , msawyeen tournament winning a7een, ta3al bachir
7asooon: izzen laish fat7ina?
7amoood: ma tshoof il lasen? ism il lasen, lasen Bacher! .. ya3ni ma 2igdar abee3 shayy ilyowm!!.., ta3al it7adani fel winning 11!"

Random thoughts of a Wise Jester

(Britain denied another market rumour yesterday that it had sent troops to free its personnel. "Although it didn't happen this time, people think it could happen," said Christopher Bellew at oil brokers Bache Financial.

US light sweet crude oil rose 2.19 per cent to $64.31 per barrel.)

Why dhell did they call it light sweet crude oil?? Did someone actually taste it??