Thursday, February 15, 2007

Why Arabs dont get Visa's to the US

> >A Sa3idi (person from Upper Egypt) was interviewed at the US Embassy for a
> >U.S.A Visa:
> >
> >Consul : What is your name ?
> >
> >Arab : Haridy
> >Consul : Sex ?
> >Arab : Six to ten times a week
> >Consul: I mean , male or female ?
> >Arab : Both male and female and sometimes
> > even camel
> >
> >Consul : Holy cow!
> >Arab : Yes, cows and dogs too !!!!
> >Consul : Man !........isn't it hostile ?
> >Arab : Horse style , dog style , any style
> >Consul : Oh..........dear !
> >Arab : Deer ? No deer, they run too fast !

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