Friday, June 8, 2007

On irony.

In the days of the G8 summit in Heiligendamm, Germany:

Two weeks ago I attended Faithless at Dubai World Trade Center's Za'abeel Hall.
That's the same spot where Dubai hosted the Annual Meetings of the Board of Governors of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund.

Listening to Maxi Jazz chanting "Whether Halliburton, Enron or anyone...Greed is a weapon of mass destruction" took me into thought of the irony that a mere 4 years ago Dr. Wolfensohn (who was later Condi's man to oversee "Israel's" PR-ed withdrawal from Gaza in 2005) was on that similar stage with his entourage knitting financial assistance plans for "impoverished" countries.

"Impoverished" "third-world" countries like Kenya. IMF's
reform policy in this country cost it 10% of its GDP at one point during the days of what led to be the Goldenberg Scandal. Still these policies are used to feed corruption and increase poverty in a resourceful land!

What irony! Would the IMF people with their monetary policies that sent Argentina to economic crisis in 2001 ever thought that Faithless, with their indivualistic hype would host a show from that same spot!

"Whether Halliburton, Enron or anyone
Greed is a weapon of mass destruction
Inaction is a weapon of mass destruction"

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

New Author in town

A close friend of mine says that the blog is 'full of whining and sarcasm', and he would like to add some entries that would send the blog readers into deep thought. Sounded quite interesting to me, and I'm waiting to see if it actually is. the floor is yours.

I'm 30 minutes late... so what??

Well, I come in 30 minutes late to work, I make my one hour lunch break last half an hour longer, and I get comments like: that was a big lunch or enjoyed your lunch?

Some people are just way too obsessed with time, I'm a person who likes to defy authority, sometimes I think I do it just to see what they're going to say. Nevertheless, regardless of my accomplishments, it seems that people tend to remember me as the guy who is always late. That pisses me off. 30 minutes is not a big deal, especially when I have everything organized and finish the work way before the due date. So why should I come 30 minutes earlier than I have to just to surf the net and check my mails?

I understand that a lot of people working with me are desperate in the sense that if they lose their job they could be on the streets, not to mention that they are now making around 1400% (This is not an exaggeration) more than they were making in their home country (I'm not going to say which country, you will probably guess right). But arent they a little insecure? Can't they be confident that they are working in the organization because they are good at what they do and not because they come in on time just to surf the net.

One person entered the following time on the shared timesheet:

Arrived at 8:47:26

26 SECONDS!! DID HE HAVE TO MENTION THAT. well being who I am , I went and wrote this on my time sheet:

Arrived at 9:35:38:37:25:14

I got a call from HR the next day.

My plan for the coming quarter is to always be on time but never deliver any of my projects on time (even though they are completed), lets see what they prefer.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Shock of the Year

UAE blocks 40% of Internet

United Arab Emirates: 7 hours, 25 minutes ago

Around 40% of the Internet is blocked in the UAE, among the highest in the world, according to Arab Media Group head Abdullatif Al Sayegh. He told delegates at a conference titled Emirates Media Freedom that the solution to what children see should be through education at home, not by monitoring published material, Emirates Today reports.

I'm surprised its only 40! ..In my mind the internet is basically comprised of the following areas:

1% Politics
1% Google
1% Social Websites with no offensive material
1% Social Websites with offensive material
1% WikiPedia
5% YouTube

Truly a shocker... expected something a little >90%.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Hunger Dilemma Part 2

Well.. Just to add strength to my argument on my previous post "Hunger Dilemma", I was walking down Shk. Zayed Road today, when i got stopped by a random lady holding a baby in her hands. Ofcoarse I knew she didn't want directions. She started saplurting the usual arabic phrases that are mostly used for begging:

"I have no money to feed my child, god prolong your life" (Now why would you say that?? I'm really not that keen on living that long).

"Please be generous, god protect you"

I reached out and gave her some money and went on my way...but the real question that I couldn't answer was:

Did she realize that she was poor before or after bringing new life into this world??..New life that has a very bleak chance for a better future.

One word, actually, maybe three : Complete Utter Selfishness.

News of No Use

DUBAI: A man touched a woman’s breasts and pinched her bottom as the pair stood alone in an elevator, a Dubai court heard yesterday. On March 1, 18-year-old JS went to a building in Naif to see a friend. As she waited in the elevator at the building, JS was surprised when ES, 28, pushed in beside her as the doors closed. He then proceeded to ask her where the watchman was, before allegedly touching her breasts. JS said she then pulled her bag up to her chest to prevent it happening again, but as she went to leave she claims ES then touched her bottom. ES denies sexually molesting the woman. The case continues.

Yes.. but please dont tell us what happens, keep us on our toes for a bit

Friday, April 13, 2007

Hunger Dilemma

Some situations always get me thinking. This time it was about a humanitarian cause, which is quite uncommon for a person like me. I was flipping through what is probably one of the worst newspapers that I read on a daily basis (7days) and I came across a picture of a thin, hungry, underpriveliged child. That child was really starving, his head and body were abnormally shaped, truly unfortunate. However it got me thinking?

HOW DHELL DID HE GET HERE? by here i mean, to this world?

With the amount of hungry children that ive seen in newspapers and articles, and charitable organizations, Its quite strange to think that that child's parents are dirt poor and starving, and yet, they still have the energy to have sex. Agreed that they could have sex for fun even though they are starving, but they really can work on controlling the ejaculation. Otherwise, it makes me wonder whether food is really the right resource we should be sending to tackle the hunger problem.. or whether a huge shipment of durex condoms would be a much more effective long term solution to the hunger problems of the world.