Saturday, June 18, 2005


I was in my car last night, driving in the traffic jam again.. when I saw this UDO, "Unidentified Driving Object" pass me by. I tried so hard to figure out what this "thing" was.. until I saw a mercedes sign.. and that took me by surprise.. have they invented another machine for transportation purposes? The next day, still curious about what I had seen, I logged on the internet and after a few minutes of searching , there it was.. In all it's ugliness. I kept looking for articles in order to find out who was responsible for the destruction of DaimlerChrysler's reputation of building beautiful cars. Was it a joke? A Prank? or did they want to compete in "The worst car design of the year" contest? After a lot of reading, turns out they actually did it on purpose!! and the even greater shock to me was that " It was selling" and you could actually see people out on the street driving it!! How can they pay a lot of money for something that is so ugly? Now let me give the car some credit, if you walk up to the car , you will see that it looks okay from the front, but then you go to the side, and you see those tiny windows, by then your face will probably look like you just swallowed something sour, (if they plan to continue manufacturing this product, Airplane windows would be the next step, and after that, No windows at all!) If you think youve seen the worst , then you should go round the back, your eyeslids will involuntarily shut after the first glimpse, for the back of that car is absoloutely horrendous!! The Government should seriously consider banning this car from using the roads in an effort to reduce accidents and traffic jams. Drivers who are suddenly struck with the horrific site of a Mercedes CLS's rear end will automatically shut their eyes causing accidents. (No wonder the traffic jams have been increasing)
Now, I am not a corporate consultant, but I will give this bit of advice to DaimlerChrysler . Find the person who designed this car, ask him/her what was going through his/her mind when he/she designed it? ( this step should be taken simply because I am really dying to know what inspired such a horrific creation.) and then dont fire them, recommend them to your competitor!!

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